Sunday 27 November 2011


recently faved photo on my flickr bit.
i took this with my pentax espio mini, a camera i've had for nearly twenty years. it's never failed me, indeed the only problem i had with it was when my sister borrowed it an then dropped it in the sea. the flash failed but everything else worked and so i sent it to pentax who repaired it (for free!) .
if there's a moral to this story it's that don't lend your cameras to you kid sister... ;)

Tuesday 22 November 2011

so the Ilkley christmas lights were turned on last saturday by Matthew Lewis, some of you will know him as the actor who played Neville Longbottom in the HP movies.
He's a very nice fellow and he came to do this in place of Jimmy Saville who died about a month before the event. Matthew's fans were out in force and it got a bit hectic, so much so that the police offered to give him a lift in a van to his car after the event. happily the police station is right next door to the church where the event took place.
here's the vid i made of it.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

i met Miranda at the 1in12 club a couple os fridays ago. we had a little chat. :)

Thursday 27 October 2011

i made a video!
last week i spoke to the manager of the loafer, ilkley's oldest bakery. this is the result.

this is (hopefully) the first of a series of conversations with various small businesses in ilkley, a project i've had in mind for a while now.
any constructive criticism would be appreciated.


Monday 4 July 2011

random photo

rondom photo-
this was taken at Entebbe airport in Uganda in january of 2006. it's an Egypt Air Aribus A319 and is one of the two planes dad and i flew in on the flight back to blighty. being Egypt Air we had to change at Cairo and this plane was half empty, the few of us on the plane pretty much spread out and most of the others slept for the four hours or so it took to get to Cairo. after that leisurely flight the Cairo to Heathrow leg of the journey was a different story altogether. we flew in a Boeing 777 and the plane was packed to the gills! if they allowed standing room there would be people standing in the aisles! i'd say that over 90% of the passengers were middle eastern, a good proportion of whom were probably the faithful returning from Mecca. there was also a lot of unnecessarily large 'hand' luggage getting in the way, and by large i mean suitcases, stuff just a little too big for the overhead panniers. but this didn't matter because what really bothered me was the rather alarming coughing from a lot of the faithful. this was when the initial worry over bird flu was dying down so i'm sure you can understand my apprehension...

on a side note, this photo was taken with the first digital camera i bought, a Casio Exilim EX-S3 'card' camera. cos it's very slim. it's a 3 megapixel camera and i still have it somewhere. it's quite the little gem and while the image quality won't knock you out it never let me down. i have made some pretty decent 10x8 prints from it's photos. maybe i'll make a little gallery showing the best of this camera, what do you think? certainly a set for it on flickr, at least...
